Take the First Step and Make a List of Reasons Why You Should Quit Smoking Today

04 Apr

Drawing up a List of Reasons Can Make you Realize the Importance of Quitting Smoking

Smoking is one of the most common causes of lung cancer and high blood pressure. Smoking is a habit which is hard to break free from and often shackles a person for a life time. Smoking can drain energy, fitness, money and happiness slowly away from your life. However, as more and more people are becoming aware of the dangers of smoking, many attempt to quit their habits. The first step is to convince yourself why you need to quit smoking. There are many reasons why you should do away with your smoking habit and here are just a few to start you off with your “reasons to quit” list.

Reasons to Quit Smoking

1. It will reduce your chances of having a heart attack. Smokers stand more chance of having heart attacks than non-smokers.

2. Family and friends need you around for a long time and they want you healthy and fit.

3. You spare other people around you of secondary smoke hazards.

4. The need to smoke will hamper your work. Most smokers have to stop their work and go outside for a cigarette. This will take away time which you could have been spent completing the task.

5. Money is wasted on smoking cigarettes, and you can put that money to better use.

6. Physical activities will be accessible as by quitting smoking, you will have more stamina and energy to do outdoor activities which you enjoy.

7. Your ageing process will slow down considerably.

8. The inhalation of toxins and other contaminants will reduce drastically.

9. Your health will improve which will enable longer life.

10. Bone mineral density will be stronger than before.

11. The chances of burning down the house through a forgotten cigarette will decrease dramatically.

12. Your teeth will be whiter and less yellowy as it is with a constant smoker.

13. As smoking diminishes the taste of food, quitting smoking will enable you to enjoy your meals.

14. Improve fertility and ability to conceive.

15. Better performance in the bed room.

There are many more reasons as to why a smoker should quit. The more reasons you have on the list, the more convincing it would be for you to realize the need for quitting smoking for good.

So, do not procrastinate! Draw up your own list and decide to quit smoking. If you find it hard to do so on your own, there are alternative medical therapies as (Neuro Linguistic Programming) NLP techniques and Hypnosis methods that assist people become non-smokers for life.

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Posted by on April 4, 2011 in Quiting Tips, Smoking


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